Monday, March 23, 2009

A Look at my Past and What it Turned Into...

It all started when i was like 12, 13. I would run around my neighborhood with the neighborhood kids with a sharpie marker defacing poles, fences, signs, brick walls, mailboxes, and fire boxes. I thought I was a bad ass. I used to do worse though, like put nails and bricks in the street and watch cars fly over them and hear their tires pop from such an impact. I thought I was a God though, until I was caught by an undercover who lived on the block we were tagging. We were only like 13 years old so he let us go, and from that day my rampage started.

A year later I finally came up with a tag since I was literally writing my name "Scotty B" on people's property. It was in highschool, freshman year. My tag was "AYE". I was abused, I was indeed the "toy" on my group. I entered style competitions against other toys and the results were fixed, I could never win, it wasn't for me. I finally changed my tag and went on with my graffiti life. "Blokz" I said, and I still have no idea where it came from but it fits me, SCOTT BLOKZ thats what people know me as, and I love it even if i quit the whole graff thing.

It was on Halloween in 2004 that i laid my first spray paint tag. Richmond Ave man, I remember going to school the next day having people come up to me saying yo i saw ya shit dude! I was so happy. I bombed one more time that year but it was terrible, and it all moved on to 2005. In 05 I was noted as the "Rookie Of The Year" basically. I would do daytime bombing in the summer so in the winter you can see my 8 foot tall fillins from main streets and buslines having people say WTF?!?!?!?!?

In 2006 it all went downhill. I was arrested for the first time with my boy Simshady who wrote Nyno. It changed our minds at the time. We would still doodle, but we never went out again. But after my community service was done, I went harder. I did so much shit, I killed this island, I even went on to Brooklyn and Manhattan. I was finally known more, by bigger writers, I was someone kids wanted in their blackbooks. But, eventually in 2007 I found a new hobby, partying. I drank my nights away flirting with girls, having countless amounts of parties hosted by me and the TRF crew. UTI was no more.

In 2008 after all that partying, Mesa came up to me. He was like lets make a comeback all these toys are hating on you about not bombing lets go out! I told him it wasn't for me anymore, but like an idiot I would do handstyles on the service roads by my house so you could see them off the highway. Eventually it all caught up to me. I wanted to get up again. I destroyed more and more property, not listening to my friends and family. But I learned my lesson after Mesa was arrested. I couldn't go out no more.. I actually hated ILLEGAL GRAFFITI.

Eventually cops appeared at my house accusing me of Mesa's incident. I denied of course, I mean it wasn't my idea or tag. But I knew it was coming. These cops were after me since 05, it was vandal squad, they never got me before. I shouldn't be talking about this, but its whatever. Here is a look on "BLOKZ" the other side of me that destroyed my life.

ill post more in other posts, that is all i can find on flickr right now of my ish since my computer got a virus and i lost all my pictures.

oh and here as promised BLOKZ NOW...

what i did in history class today =) ::::::

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ill get bigger pics with better quality more detailed soon when my scanner and photobucket decides to work...

You can also peep my work on YouTube, flickr, PhotoBucket, Google, RobotsWillKill, MySpace, Facebook, and other internet shit. haha.

UpToImpress lives on without spray paint... remember that!

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